Electronics Repair
Glide Fitness - The Recognized Industry Leader in Fitness Electronics Repair
Getting an error code on your treadmill? Experiencing sporadic power outages with your stairstepper? In many cases, simple operational anomalies can be traced to an electronic problem. Glide's highly experienced team of electronics wizards are expertly prepared to take-on even the most difficult of repair issues including, but not limited to, motor control boards, display electronics, induction (IFT) drives and alternator control boards.
Like neurosurgeons of the fitness equipment world, our engineers and technicians quickly and accurately diagnose and repair the "electronic brains" that help each machine perform properly. Offering a wealth of professional experience and a thorough understanding of fitness electronics, trust the team at Glide to repair your equipment right the first time, every time! Call today for more details.
We Want Your Gently Used Cores!
We're always seeking quality, well-maintained core elements... lift motors, low kits, motor control boards and the like. Granted, the items must be in decent condition and able to be effectively repaired. Got a few cores laying around that you'd like to turn into cash? Give the team at Glide a call to discuss what you have to offer.